
Tuesday 31 May 2016

First dis-embowel your Sea Bream...

You would think I would have had enough of cleaning Sea Bream. 'Cleaning' is an all encompassing term that includes trimming the fins off, lightly scraping off the fish scales, slitting the fish belly with one deft flick of the sharp boning knife and then scraping out the fish's sloppy guts and yanking out the red gills. Hope I haven't put you off already. The cleaning process is completed by washing the gutted Bream under a cold running tap. These fish have been on offer for two weeks at Tesco and although I have only been around for just one of those weeks I have done my share for the eager customers. From a previous offer I purchased a Sea Bream and stored it away in my freezer guts intact. Someone once suggested that that is the best way to freeze whole fish so I have followed their lead in this matter.

Yesterday I defrosted it and cleaned it at home. I was quite busy doing other things so I oven baked it for an hour. At the same time I thinly sliced some new potatoes I happened to have in and layered them in a baking dish with thin cut onion and dotted the dish with black pitted olives. To cook the mix I added some vegetable stock – enough to reach the surface of the sliced potato and onion layers but not drown them in liquid. They cooked in the same oven for the same amount of time and both came out perfect.

Dish with added sun dried tomato antipasto.

The flesh just falls off the bone.

Mr Harris the cat highly recommends Phil's Sea Bream with roast potatoes, onion, antipasto and olives even though he never tried any of it.

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